What is Inflammation and What Can You Do About It? August 25, 2021 Inflammation is a process in the body that can be both acute or chronic. The body has a natural healing system that involves white blood cells which f... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Diet and Disease, Blog
De-Stress with Good Nutrition August 02, 2021 I think we would all agree that calling the last year and a half stressful is an understatement! Global stress is very apparent with everything you he... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Blog
Hydration Tips for the Hot Summer Months July 01, 2021 We all know water is essential to the human body, but do you why? The human body is about 60% water, and that water performs multiple vital functions ... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Exercise and Physical Activity, Blog
Tips for Healthy Summer Snacking June 01, 2021 Thankfully, winter is in the rearview window and warm sunny days are ahead. Summer is a good time to take inventory of your snacking habits. Yes, snac... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Meal and Menu Planning, Weight Management , Blog
Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids May 04, 2021 Fats often get a bad rap, so you might be surprised to learn there's a type of fat you might not be eating enough of — Omega-3 fatty a... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Dietary Supplements, Meal and Menu Planning, Diet and Disease, Blog
Boost Your Nutrient Intake with Spring Fruits and Vegetables April 01, 2021 Now that winter has come and gone and spring is in full swing, it's time to look at what fruits and vegetables are coming into season. Springtime frui... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Meal and Menu Planning
Aging Gracefully: How to Stay Well and Fit February 02, 2021 Aging can seem daunting when you think about it. Most people feel aging means you get weak and your physical and mental health declines. Guess what, i... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Dietary Supplements, Diet and Disease, Blog
Serum vs Intracellular Nutritional Testing: There is a Difference January 15, 2021 What is serum testing? A serum test is simply a laboratory test that detects something in the liquid (which would essentially be the plasma) part of ... Posted In: Diet and Nutrients , Dietary Supplements, Blog
Food allergies and multiple sclerosis: study reveals a new link February 26, 2019 Like many other medical conditions, the mechanism of multiple sclerosis remains an enigma--a puzzle composed of complex genetic and environmental fact... Posted In: Food Allergies Intolerances/Sensitivities , MRT/LEAP, Diet and Disease
Stubborn Weight Loss and Genetic Testing December 27, 2017 Using a patient’s genetic code to both treat and prevent disease is nothing new. However, practitioners are now finding that genetic testi... Posted In: Nutrigenomics, Weight Management , Blog