Instead of Fat Try… Traditional Spice Partners August 19, 2015 Here are some spices that form excellent partnerships with specific foods. Choose one or more of the following spices to go with the suggested foods: ... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Herbs and Herbal Supplements , Meal and Menu Planning, Weight Management
Good Carbs, Bad Carbs: Why Carbohydrates Matter to You August 08, 2015 The right type of carbohydrates can boost your health! What’s the difference between a sandwich made on white bread and one made with 100% wh... Posted In: Diabetes Mellitus , Meal and Menu Planning, Weight Management , Diet and Disease
Fiber in Your Diet August 08, 2015 Dietary fiber is the material from plant cells that is non-digestible or only partially digestible in humans. There are two types of fiber: soluble an... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Diet and Nutrients , Meal and Menu Planning, Weight Management
Facts and Tips about Dietary Fats and Cholesterol August 08, 2015 For years, low-fat diets have been hailed as the centerpiece of a heart-healthy lifestyle. For one thing, fats are very calorie dense. Fat provides 9 ... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Meal and Menu Planning, Weight Management
Grocery Shopping for Your Health “Making Sense of Food Labels” August 08, 2015 Since 1994, virtually all packaged products have been using the improved label format. Current food labels show nutrients in context, standardized ser... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Meal and Menu Planning, Weight Management
Eggs and Your Heart August 08, 2015 Dietary cholesterol in animal food raises blood cholesterol levels in only about 1/3 of people. As shown in some egg studies, dietary cholesterol caus... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Meal and Menu Planning
High Cholesterol: Stocking a Heart-Healthy Kitchen August 08, 2015 Heart-healthy foods are essential to a heart-healthy diet. If you want to eat a heart-healthy diet but are not sure what foods you should buy, chec... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Meal and Menu Planning
Supplementing Your Heart Health: Omega-3, Plant Sterols, and More August 08, 2015 If you have high cholesterol, or if you're at high risk for heart disease and heart attack, you've likely had "the talk" with your doctor. For many pe... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Dietary Supplements, Herbs and Herbal Supplements
High Cholesterol: Alternative Therapies August 08, 2015 There are alternative treatments for lowering cholesterol naturally. But before you add any supplement or alternative therapy to your diet, talk to yo... Posted In: Cholesterol Management , Dietary Supplements, Herbs and Herbal Supplements
10 Ways to Help Boost Your "Good" Cholesterol August 08, 2015 At the risk of sounding like a certain 20-something socialite, HDL is hot! Advances in research have brought more attention to the blood lipid (or fat... Posted In: Cholesterol Management