Tips for Exercising in the Heat

Tips for Exercising in the Heat

August 31, 2015


  • Remember that heat from the sun, air temperatures and humidity, as well as type and intensity of work must be considered when planning activities.
  • Choose activities that are at a lower intensity when it is especially hot.
  • A heart rate monitor can be a helpful tool when exercising to allow you to monitor your response to heat. At high temperatures, your heart rate can increase significantly.
  • Wear lightweight clothing that is also light in color. Try some of the new moisture wicking fabrics.
  • Avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day (usually between 2pm and 6pm). Limit activity as well when it is very humid.
  • Gradually acclimatize your body.
  • Look for alternative indoor activities when it is extremely hot. Try walking in the mall or using home exercise equipment.
  • When walking or running outdoors, try to stay in shaded areas where there is less direct radiant heat.
  • Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after activity. Drink 8-12oz of water 2 hours and then 12 oz of water 15 minutes prior to exercise. Remember, cold water is more readily absorbed than warm. Bring water with you if you plan a longer exercise session or if it is extremely hot. You can easily monitor fluid losses with weight checks. If weight loss is greater than 2 pounds after exercise dehydration is expected. Electrolyte replacement beverages or sports drinks are not necessary unless you are exercising more than 60-90 minutes.


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Exercise and Physical Activity