Aging & Weight Management: Tips for Keeping the Pounds Off After 40 

Aging & Weight Management: Tips for Keeping the Pounds Off After 40 

July 01, 2022

Weight management can be difficult at any age, but it can feel even more daunting after 40. It’s a common misconception that your metabolism slows down as you age, but this is not necessarily true. The latest research shows you can burn about the same calories from your 20s into your 60s. Lifestyle tends to have more of an impact than genetics and age. 

So what are the keys to successful weight management after 40?

  • Increase muscle mass with adequate physical activity. Strength training is a particularly important component and should be part of a balanced exercise program along with endurance/aerobic activities. 
  • Decrease processed foods and be more mindful of calorie intake. Most people consume way too much sugar!
  • Increase fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats like Omega 3s. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Dehydration can often be confused for hunger. 
  • Protein with every meal helps level out blood sugar and control appetite. For some people less carbohydrates and more protein and healthy fats are more effective for weight management. 
  • Address micronutrient deficiencies that can affect weight management. These include, Vitamin D and K, Zinc, B-complex, Magnesium, Lipoic acid, and calcium. Micronutrient testing is the best way to determine your deficiencies and suboptimal levels. 
  • Insulin resistance interferes with appetite control which leads to weight gain. This is something you can test for along with pre-diabetes. 
  • Stress increases cortisol and other stress hormones that increase cravings and weight. Stress management is key to weight management. 
  • Improve sleep habits. Sleep deprivation can interfere with metabolic functions that affect weight. 
  • Some medications like anti-depressants can contribute to weight gain. 
  • Shifting hormones can affect menopausal women and is something you can test. Testing for optimal thyroid function can be helpful as well. 
  • Intermittent fasting can be effective for reducing overall calorie intake along with providing metabolic and immune function benefits. 
  • Focus on habits instead of the scale. Slow and steady seems to be the most effective. Remember as you lose weight, your body needs less calories to maintain that weight and you need to adjust accordingly.

Contact FitLife for custom weight management programs at any age!

Posted In:

Diet and Nutrients , Weight Management