Misconceptions About Taking Supplements

Misconceptions About Taking Supplements

April 01, 2022

When it comes to taking supplements, many people think if some are then good more must be better. This is not necessarily the case. Nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids act like medicine. They can be powerful powerful healing substances if used appropriately, but they can also cause problems if used indiscriminately. You wouldn’t take unnecessary medications, so why would you take supplements you don’t need? 

That's why targeted supplementation can be so effective. This means taking supplements that address your personal nutritional needs, deficiencies, and sub-optimal levels. Deficiencies can be measured objectively through blood testing, giving guidance to choose the right supplements and combinations. 

Micronutrient testing is an effective way to determine your individual supplement needs. What is good for one person may not be good for another. Even when it comes to nutrients, sometimes too much can be as bad as too little. For example, selenium supports thyroid function, antioxidant status, and immune health. If your selenium is low, it can put you at risk for heart disease, cancer, and depressed immune function. However, too much selenium is linked to type 2 diabetes. 

Also, when it comes to micronutrient status, sometimes it is not just getting enough of that nutrient from your diet but it can also be how well you are absorbing it. This is where gut health comes into play. Micronutrient status is a piece of the puzzle when assessing gut health and your overall immune system. Suboptimal levels of vitamin K, B-vitamins, magnesium, glutathione, and glutamine can indicate poor gut health. Fatigue can also be a big indicator of nutrient deficiencies and suboptimal levels. Testing your zinc, COQ10, vitamin D, and B-vitamins may help determine why you are experiencing fatigue. 

The type of micronutrient testing also matters. Although both serum and intercellular testing provide valuable insights, intercellular testing paints a more detailed picture of your overall micronutrient status. This type of micronutrient testing measures the nutrients absorbed by your cells, not just the levels within your blood serum. 

Contact FitLife to set up your micronutrient test today!

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Diet and Nutrients , Dietary Supplements, Blog