Magnesium: A Miraculous Mineral

Magnesium: A Miraculous Mineral

March 01, 2022

Did you know most people in the US don’t get enough magnesium in their diet? It is a critical mineral for health and wellness. A magnesium deficiency can lead to increased inflammation which may lead to heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. In terms of preventing disease, magnesium may help prevent hypertension and osteoporosis or bone loss.

Magnesium is involved in many biochemical reactions and is part of every cell in the body. It is needed for proper cellular function. Magnesium helps convert food to energy, creates new proteins, helps create and repair DNA and RNA, aids in muscular function and helps move blood sugar into your muscles, and regulates neurotransmitters for proper brain function.

Here is a list of foods that are a good source of magnesium. Make sure they are part of your healthy diet: 

  • Nuts, seeds, and nut butters like almond, cashew, and peanut
  • Legumes like black beans and edamame
  • Leafy greens like spinach and kale
  • Seafood like halibut and salmon
  • Avocado
  • Brown rice  

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