Top Ten Tips to Begin An Exercise Program

Top Ten Tips to Begin An Exercise Program

August 31, 2015

Before you begin an exercise program, please consult your physician if you have not had a physical exam within the past year.


  1. Pick an activity you think you will enjoy. Examples of aerobic activities are walking, running, cycling, dancing, cross-country skiing, stair climbing, rowing, swimming, and skating.
  2. Begin at your own level or pace and do not increase your workload by more than 10% per week.
  3. When you have increased you endurance, always try and work an exercise intensity that feels somewhat hard.
  4. The duration of the aerobic portion of the exercise is normally 20-60 minutes, depending on the intensity of exercise and your personal level.
  5. Remember to include a warm-up and cool down portion to your program. A 5-10 minute warm-up increases the body’s temperature and increases blood flow to prepare the body for more vigorous exercise. Examples are slowly walking or cycling before you increase the intensity. The cool down portion is the same activity 5-10 minutes to decrease body temperature and allows heart rate to decrease slowly.
  6. Incorporate flexibility exercises into your routine to improve range of motion, decrease muscle soreness, and aid in recovery from exercise (always stretch warm muscles). Do not bounce—only stretch to a point of tenderness and hold.
  7. Incorporate strength training into our routine as least twice a week (do not train on consecutive days).
  8. Invest in proper footwear, exercise equipment, and clothing to ensure comfort and help decrease risk of injury.
  9. Keep a record of your exercise sessions to reinforce your efforts and to chart your progress.
  10. Listen to your body. If you are sick or extremely fatigued—REST!!

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Exercise and Physical Activity